Function Reference


Places the elements of an array into a single string, separated by the specified delimiter.

#include <Array.au3>
_ArrayToString ( $avArray, $sDelim [[, $iStart], $iEnd] )



$avArray The array to be converted into a string.
$sDelim The delimiter to separate each element with.
$iStart Optional (default to 0): An integer that specifies the element to start at in the array.
$iEnd Optional (Default to Ubound): An integer that specifies the element to end at in the array.


Return Value

Success: Returns a delimited string containing all elements in the array.
Failure: Returns an empty string.
@Error: 0 = No error.
1 = $avArray isn't an array.
2 = $avArray has less than 2 elements or it has more than 1 dimension.
3 = $iStart isn't an integer.
4 = $iStart is < 0.
5 = $iEnd isn't an integer.
6 = $iEnd is < 0.
7 = $sDelim isn't a string
8 = $sDelim is an empty string.
9 = $sDelim has more than one delimiter.



This function is the opposite of the StringSplit function with the extension of being able to take a subset of all of the elements and placing just that subset into the string.
Since this function is the inverse of the StringSplit function, the delimiter can't be larger than 1 character in length.

This function only accepts a 1 dimensional array.

If both $iStart and $iEnd = -1, then the entire array will be converted to a string.



_ArrayToClip, _FileReadToArray, StringSplit



#include <Array.au3>

Dim $avArray[11], $I = 0

; Populate test array.
For $I = 0 to UBound( $avArray ) - 1
    $avArray[$I] = Int( Random( -20000, 20000 ) )

_ArrayDisplay( $avArray, "_ArrayToString() Test" )

Dim $sArrayString = _ArrayToString( $avArray,@TAB, 1, 7 )
MsgBox( 4096, "_ArrayToString() Test", $sArrayString )